“When young people get involved in the arts, other areas of their lives are positively affected, including relationships, social connection and feelings of belonging and being valued, as well as their physical wellbeing, creativity and general feelings of happiness and optimism for the future." 

- Dr Molly Mullen, Senior lecturer in applied theatre at the University of Auckland


Short term (0-3 years) 
Our focus is on understanding & harnessing the potential of our suite of programmes. This involves expanding our reach, building organisational capability and deepening our impact through sustainable funding and strategic partnerships. We want to identify and remove barriers to access our programmes for students and whānau and increase our youth development impact. We create meaningful, aspirational, human-centric experiences.

Long term (3-10 years) 
We understand the importance of looking at the bigger picture and nurturing the unique potential of every young person we engage with. We seek partnerships and collaborations that share this perspective, and can help us to realise our full potential and cement meaningful, ever-lasting impact on the creative industries.

Big Dreams

Rangatahi may represent 17% of the population but they are 100% of our future (MYD Youth Plan 20-22).


Being involved in RQP programmes has a wide range of benefits for rangatahi, schools, whānau and the wider community. We measure outcomes through surveying students & schools, focus groups and case studies. 

In 2023, to measure our impact, we asked 374 young people involved in our Creative Leadership Development programme to share their experiences with our programmes:
97% were happy or very happy with the programme they participated in
97% were happy or very happy with the staff and facilitators they interacted with

For rangatahi

For schools

For whānau and community