"Showquest is an amazing opportunity that allows students with all different talents to work together to create a project that we are all passionate about. Having friendly staff at Showquest helps build the positive creative energy students thrive off."

St Mary’s Wellington, Showquest

“We are so grateful and humbled and excited. Thank you so much for the incredible work your huge team puts into this event. I know it must be a labour of love for you guys and an enormous amount of planning and stress. These students benefit so much from this amazing initiative.”

Macleans College, Showquest

“My boys had an amazing experience that will stay with them for life. I believe what you do through Smokefreerockquest changes young lives and speaking from a parent with a child with a disability, offers opportunities my son can’t get anywhere else. Thank you for making his teenage years fun and helping him get through what could have been a tough time. Please keep doing what you are doing because it makes a difference in people’s lives in so many different ways.”

Parent, Smokefreerockquest

“For many artists, the love of music and performing began with getting up on a stage during their formative years at high school, and I speak for myself and many musicians when I say that Smokefreerockquest plays a major role in our seminal years. Your support of this event is a nurturing embrace of all the young people who wish to express themselves creatively and honestly, but more importantly it is an investment in the future of the nation.”

Otumoetai College, Smokefreerockquest

“These events have and continue to inspire young songwriters and musicians all across New Zealand to create original music and provide them with a platform to express themselves. In 2020, SmokefreeRockquest was one of the only festivals that were able to adapt and provide a platform for students to present and perform their music. The end result has been the highlight of 2020 for many of our contemporary students. SmokefreeRockquest has been one of the major catalysts that has seen growth in contemporary music at our school from Year 9 to Year 13. It has also encouraged students to consider tertiary options after they leave school.”

Rangitoto College, Smokefreerockquest

“I participated in Smokefreerockquest as Christchurch was recovering from the earthquakes, so I want to touch on how important these events were in providing a sense of normality and an opportunity to express feelings during an exceptionally difficult time . Writing music, being given a reason to form my first band, finding friendships with likeminded people, and learning to be vulnerable within a supportive environment that champions original kiwi music were all invaluable. Ultimately, these events gave me the experience of performing on a professional stage with a band, which contributed in leading me to further study at the University of Auckland where I completed a Bachelor of Music majoring in Popular Music, after which I solidified a career in music.”

Musician, Smokefreerockquest

“I really appreciate everything this competition has managed to give me and my friends… It has taught us a huge amount about telling a cohesive and interesting story and about the production process as a whole.”

Student, OnScreen

“We really appreciate you guys giving our rangatahi the opportunities to do things like this. It is really nice to see them being able to do stuff outside of the curriculum constraints.”

Teacher, Stills

“The organisers work tirelessly providing access to resources not normally available to lower decile schools. The quality of filming and sound is highly professional at their events, students are treated to the same level of workmanship that professional adults would receive. I believe this programme would be second to none worldwide, particularly because of the number of cultures represented in any one event, it’s a crucial part of co-curricular music in Aotearoa and needs now to move up to the next level.”

"It is an amazing platform for young minds to not only perform, but have avenues to express themselves through music. Backstage I get to see students' eyes light up at the talent that is out there, and see students become nervous but come off stage beaming and energised at how amazing they felt. It is an incredibly welcoming and supportive environment that encourages each student to be the best they can be, give things a go and work with others. Bandquest is an amazing and inspiring event for young people."

Aorere College, Smokefree Tangata Beats

Nelson College for Girls, Rockshop Bandquest